Got all the information you need to train with confidence?
If you couldn’t find the answer you were looking for elsewhere on our website, chances are it’s right here.
And if not—don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re happy to assist!
memberships & pricing / LIDMAATSCHAPPEN & prijzen
facilities & services
training and services
rules & policies
Our house rules allow us offer the best service possible. So make sure to study them on our ‘House rules’ page. Please respect our rules, so every visitor gets the best possible experience. Failure to respect our gym rules may result in denial of access to our gym.
No. Outside trainers are not allowed unless officially registered with us.
Phones are allowed, but please respect other members’ privacy. You’re here to train, not to be digitally social.
other questions
We accept cash, credit cards, payconiq, Apple Pay, bank transfers and direct debit.
Yes we do! Make sure to follow us on Instagram (@ultimategymkortrijk) for updates.